Trashing Service Areas

The Union has received reports of washrooms being vandalized. Under the Labour Code washrooms and lunchrooms are referred to as personal service areas. They are provided for under Part II – Occupational Safety and Health Section 125(1)(i) of the Code. … Continue reading

The Duty to Accommodate

ILWU Local 500 is committed to ensuring that workplaces are equitable and fair. This means that we view human rights in the workplace as an essential element in our mandate to represent our Members. The duty to accommodate is an … Continue reading

Despatch Hall Rules Bulletin

That all Business Agents and Relief Business Agents be instructed that the Union Policy be that there will be no plugging in after the wickets are closed. Date Passed: April 18, 1990 Source: Membership That only Local 500 Officers and … Continue reading

Working in New Westminster

Please be advised that when you work a Day Shift in New Westminster you MUST go second time around for the Graveyard Shift. Anyone caught gimmicking these rules will be brought in front of the Membership and Grievance Committee. Rob … Continue reading

Granted Time for WCB

To receive granted time while off on Worksafe BC Wage Loss you must submit your first and last wage loss pay stubs to Employee Services on the 4th floor at 349 Railway Street, Vancouver. Peter Haines, Secretary Treasurer.

Dust at Vanterm

There have been reports of dusty conditions at Vanterm. The dust comes from a variety of sources, including rail trucks, yard and adjacent sit es. The dust HAS NOT been found by HRSDC as exceeding regulatory levels. The dust will … Continue reading

Vandalism Will Not Be Tolerated

Persons discovered: damaging personal or company property OR defacing or putting graffiti on walls or machinery WILL BE CHARGED and brought before the M&G. This includes all areas at the Despatch Hall. These are serious charges. Penalties can include deregistration. … Continue reading