Drivers at Centerm & Vanterm

Attention: Drivers Centerm & Vanterm NO cutting through the Gantry legs inside 100 feet. Heads up when driving under Gantries and RTG – beware of lids and containers overhead. NO cutting through container blocks in the yard. Paulo Branco, Business … Continue reading

Critical Incident Course

Open to all Shop & Safety Stewards This course is designed to assist shop and safety stewards in dealing wiOth the stress of workplace injuries and fatalities. This two (2) day course will be held towards the end of May … Continue reading

The Presidents Go To Jail

In 1965, the federal government adopted the Canada Labour Standards Code governing hours of work, vacations, statutory holidays and other conditions of employment relating to industries under federal jurisdiction. Of special interest to longshoremen was the provision granting eight paid … Continue reading

Amenity Buildings

Keep Amenity Buildings Clean & In Good Repair Amenity buildings (lunchrooms, washrooms, etc.) are for the use of all. Respect yourself and others: Keep them clean Don’t damage them Anyone caught maliciously causing damage or creating an undue mess will … Continue reading

No Smoking

The effects of smoking and second hand smoke have been proven to be hazardous to your health. The policy regarding non-smoking is clear: THERE IS TO BE NO SMOKING IN MACHINERY, PICKUPS, OFFICES, LUNCHROOMS, ETC. These regulations are put forward … Continue reading