Reporting Vacations & Statutory Holidays

See BCMEA rule below.

The Federal Government’s introduction of Bill C-45 in 2015 changed the way Longshore workers calculate and get paid for statutory holidays.

Please read the attached document for details on the changes.  These changes affect everyone…..Union and Casuals.

BULLETIN – 15 04 09 Changes to Stat Holiday Pay & Qualifications (pdf)

Entitlement for statutory holiday pay is no longer calculated in the 30 days immediately preceding a holiday.

The calculation period is now the 4 full weeks (Sunday through Saturday) prior to the week the stat is in. 

If you need to report BCMEA vacation days to assist you in getting a stat, the rules regarding when you may report your vacations has not changed.  You may report as far ahead as the end of the year, but you may not go back any further than 7 days from the day on which you come in to report, including the reporting day.

Know your rights…make sure you get paid for each stat you’re entitled to!

PRINTABLE PDF – 2025 Stat Holidays and Counting Periods

The form below can be sent dropped off through the office mail slot at any time, faxed to 604-254-7127, or emailed to


Fillable Vacation Form

Please note that point 5 of Black Book Document #66 states that vacation time must be received by the BCMEA by not later than December 24 of the current year.  As December 24 may fall on a weekend, you must submit any vacation days you wish to be counted towards the Christmas, Boxing Day and New Year’s stats by the last full day of business for Local 500 prior to Christmas.  Also note that the office usually closes at noon on last work day pre-Christmas.  Carefully consult your calendar so as not to lose out on stat pay.

For more information, please visit the Member/Casual FAQs.