Respect For Fellow Workers

There have been conflicts with outside truck drivers at the container terminals. Our Declaration of Principles #2 says, “We shall uphold the right of all to live and grow in a dignified manner and to be treated with decency and … Continue reading

Vanterm Emergency Vehicle Escort

TSI/VANTERM Emergency Vehicle Escort Procedure This is in the “First Aid Procedures” a. WHEN CALLING FIRE/AMBULANCE (9-911): Vanterm is located at 1300 Stewart Street, North Foot of Clark Drive overpass. Tell the Fire/Ambulance despatcher that a foreman will meet them … Continue reading

Despatch Coordinator’s Duties

As per Article XI, Section 1. Interpretation: of the Local 500 Constitution President Keserich has interpreted the duties of the Union Despatch Coordinators, which is in Article V Officers & Committee Members, A. General Duties, Section 8. Despatchers. Currently it … Continue reading

No Renewing Travel Cards

IMPORTANT INFORMATION RE: TRAVEL CARDS As of October 23, 2012, Travel Cards will no longer be renewed until further notice. Local 500 M&G (Membership & Grievance Committee)

Dock Gantry Extensions

In order to help supply the industry needs in times of shortages, we have agreed to allow voluntary extensions. Dock Gantry Operators are allowed to plug in and take a job via telephone only if they are driving the crane … Continue reading

Respect of Union Officals

RESPECT OF UNION OFFICIALS Membership Motion #3075, dated December 4, 1972 states: That any Member or Casual who is abusive to any Union Official, either verbally or physically be charged before the M&G Committee. The Officers ILWU Local 500