NOTICE CELLULAR PHONES It has become apparent to the Safety Committee the need to re-emphasize the Joint Industry Safety Committee’s Rule: “NOT TO USE CELL PHONES WHILE OPERATING ANY TYPE OF EQUIPMENT” This Rule also complements the one of: “NO … Continue reading
RO RO Type Vessels
NOTICE It is still the Policy of Local 500 not to carry loads elevated from the dock to the stow when we are loading the ramps and stern of the vessel. All Safety Manuals dictates that a load must be … Continue reading
Discharge of Long Steel Pipes
Attention Brothers/Sisters It has been brought to the Union’s attention that on two occasions there have been load failures during the discharge of long steel pipes Pipes: Slings must be double wrapped on the cargo to stop the load from … Continue reading
FYI – Wood Pellet Cargoes
Danger involved in the handling of wood pellets For urgent circulation Cargoes of wood pellets can emit carbon monoxide may result in a poisonous and explosive environment. A seaman was killed, three seamen were slightly injured, two dockworkers were injured … Continue reading
Cleaner Air
Greenhouse gasses and particulate matter are being created at an alarming rate. Policies are being drafted and implemented to help with clean air initiatives. We can do our part by not idling machinery, or even our personal vehicle, for long … Continue reading
Ladder Safety
There is to be ONE PERSON AT A TIME on a ladder — NO EXCEPTIONS. We had a situation where one person fell down a ladder while leaving a hatch and subsequently took out another person lower down the ladder. … Continue reading