Opening for a Vanterm Maintenance H.P.P. (Hazard Prevention Plan) Trainer
posting closes on June 30, 2022, 3PM
Local 500 has certified the IT Field Techs employed by DP World, and a new first collective agreement has been ratified.
As such, Local 500 will be posting job opening for these positions from time to time.
Please read the attached posting from DP World which details the skills required to apply for the job. DPW IT Field Techs Posting – click here to view
Open to Union Members Only
- Details in attachment
To view the posting click the link below
LIFT TRUCK TRAINER – closing July 28, 2022 @ 3:00 PM
To apply, fill out a job application which is located outside the Local 500 office door, Monday-Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM.
Complete the application and place it through the mail slot in the door (both the white and yellow copies).
Forms put through the door after 3PM on the closing date (Thursday) will be considered late and will not be processed.
Thank you.
Open to Union Members Only
- Details in attachment
To view the posting click the link below
LIFT TRUCK TRAINER – closing July 28, 2022 @ 3:00 PM
To apply, fill out a job application which is located outside the Local 500 office door, Monday-Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM.
Complete the application and place it through the mail slot in the door (both the white and yellow copies).
Forms put through the door after 3PM on the closing date (Thursday) will be considered late and will not be processed.
Thank you.
Open to Union Members Only
- Details in attachment
To view the posting click the link below
WHEAT SPECIALTY TRAINER – closing September 22, 2022 @ 3:00 pm
To apply, fill out a job application which is located outside the Local 500 office door, Monday-Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM.
Complete the application and place it through the mail slot in the door (both the white and yellow copies).
Forms put through the door after 3PM on the closing date (Thursday) will be considered late and will not be processed.
Thank you.
Open to Union Members Only
- Must hold the rating and have significant hours doing the job
- Details in attachment
To view the posting click the link below
DPW RAIL PLANNER TRAINER – closing OCTOBER 6, 2022 @ 3:00 pm
To apply, fill out a job application which is located outside the Local 500 office door, Monday-Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM.
Complete the application and place it through the mail slot in the door (both the white and yellow copies).
Forms put through the door after 3PM on the closing date (Thursday) will be considered late and will not be processed.
Thank you.