DID YOU WORK A PHOSROCK SHIP AT NEPTUNE #3 MAY 15-18????? If so, you may have been exposed to CHICKENPOX!! On May 15, 2015, a crew member joined the vessel Ultra Saskatchewan at Neptune # 3. On May 17, the … Continue reading
Pension Plan Update – April 2015
Please click below to read the most recent pension plan update, including a table showing pension rates for years of service. You may have to drag your page open a bit wider to accommodate the entire table:
Trust Fund for Randeep Nijjar #44666
On Friday, October 31, 2014, Randeep Nijjar was despatched to Down Below Steel at Lynnterm West, Berth #3 on the M/V Island Sea. He suffered a severely crushed foot during the course of his shift. He has lost all of … Continue reading
Trust Fund for Gurbinder Aujla #41897
On Tuesday, February 3, 2015, at 8:30 pm, Gurbinder Aujla was driving home from picking up his son from a sporting event and was struck by a vehicle. He is now at Vancouver General Hospital. He is currently paralyzed from … Continue reading
Dampers Seats at Centerm
Attention: Dock Gantry Employees Please sign up in the Despatch Coordinator’s Office for Dampers seats at Centerm.
Lashers and Bombcarts
Bunny Bus Drivers are normally hired for an early start to accommodate change over and have the Bunny Bus ready to take out Lashers and Bombcart Drivers on time. When the Bunny Bus is not hired for an early start, … Continue reading
Newly Topside Rated Must Take Working Jobs
Any persons newly Topside rated must take working jobs for one (1) year. Working jobs do not include Hatch-Tenders or Observers. Persons not adhering to this direction will be charged with gimmicking the despatch. ILWU Local 500 Officers
2014 Election Results
Please click the attachment to view the election results.
If There Are Shortages of Non-Trades & Trades Workers in December…
If there are shortages of non-trades workers in December, the Officers have decided to allow workers with 2496 hours to be called by the Union Despatch Coordinators when no other qualified workers are available so other workers may be put … Continue reading
2496 Rule Doesn’t Apply to Trades in 2014
Because of the shortage of trades people, the rule on 2496 hours will not apply this year to trades. When we cannot supply trades our maintenance work gets contracted out. This is only for 2014.