Please click the attachment to view the election results.
If There Are Shortages of Non-Trades & Trades Workers in December…
If there are shortages of non-trades workers in December, the Officers have decided to allow workers with 2496 hours to be called by the Union Despatch Coordinators when no other qualified workers are available so other workers may be put … Continue reading
2496 Rule Doesn’t Apply to Trades in 2014
Because of the shortage of trades people, the rule on 2496 hours will not apply this year to trades. When we cannot supply trades our maintenance work gets contracted out. This is only for 2014.
In Case of Shortages of Non Trades in Dec/14
If there are shortages of non-trades workers in December, the Officers have decided to allow workers with 2496 hours to be called by the Union Despatch Coordinators when no other qualified workers are available so other workers may be put … Continue reading
Local 500 2014 Election Bulletin (list of candidates and details)
Local 500’s elections for the 2014-2015 year will be held on November 27 and 28, 2014. Please read the attached bulletin for a list of candidates, as well as to obtain information on the advance poll, dates and times to … Continue reading
Election Bulletin – Rules on Campaigning
Candidates are reminded that they may not use any elected office or employment position to campaign for elections. Elected officers or members on union leave may not campaign on ILWU paid time, use ILWU offices, or ILWU contact information which … Continue reading
Membership Year Pins to Be Distributed
Brother and Sisters, We are beginning a new tradition in Local 500 starting at the Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Membership Meeting. The President will be handing out Membership Year Pins. These pins are to recognize the years that a person … Continue reading
Despatch Rules for R Board Waiting Pool
Membership & Grievance Committee /Local 500 Executive Motion “All new recruits in the current waiting pool only be eligible to accept despatch from the Local 500 Despatch Coordinator. In addition, they are only eligible to service to service their home … Continue reading
Second Reading Notice of Motion Re: Fines
NOTICE OF MOTION to amend the LOCAL 500 CONSTITUTION: ARTICLE VIII, Dues, Meetings & Quorums, Section 1(d) Non-Attendance:(i) (a): Any Member who fails to attend a duly called Membership Meeting of Local 500 I.L.W.U. shall be fined Five ($5.00) Dollars … Continue reading
Bulk Operators – Phosrock Upgrade
The following list of Bulk Operators still need to complete the Phosrock upgrade. This must be completed by May 7, 2014. Those not completing the upgrade will be subject to removal of the rating until the upgrade is completed. Please … Continue reading