Vanterm Emergency Vehicle Escort

Emergency Vehicle Escort Procedure

This is in the “First Aid Procedures”

a. WHEN CALLING FIRE/AMBULANCE (9-911): Vanterm is located at 1300 Stewart Street, North Foot of Clark Drive overpass. Tell the Fire/Ambulance despatcher that a foreman will meet them at the Gate.

b. Call Penthouse: Local 247 (dayshift) or Channel 7 to have a mobile escort the Fire Truck/Ambulance to your location as most ambulances do not know where the First Aid Room or different berths are. Call Police: 9-911. When only vessel working, contact ship planners Local 243.

c. In case of accident on ship: tell Penthouse (Local 247) to call ambulance and provide escort. Then you take the site E.T.V. (ambulance) to the ship with oxygen, spine board, extra #3 kit.

We also have this on our safety flip charts posted around the site:

In the event of major injury the following steps will be followed:

1. Radio First Aid on the channel indicated above and advise the First Aid Attendant of the location and nature of the injured person.

2. Secure the area to ensure no further injury. If possible, try to preserve all evidence at the scene for later investigation. Do not move any equipment involved in the accident/incident.

3. Clear the First Aid Channel. All unnecessary communications on the first aid channel are to be stopped immediately.

4. Call 911. First Aid will designate someone to call 911.

5. Notify Security and VPA Control to ensure easy access to Port and Terminal property. At Vanterm and Deltaport, notify Security who will contact VPA Control.

6. Arrange for escort to meet Emergency Services. The individual who called 911 will arrange for an escort to meet Emergency Services at the designated access point.

Steve Ross
Business Agent
