COVID-19 – Continue to Stay Safe

Several months have passed since the outbreak of COVID-19.  Everyone in BC and across the country has done a great job in holding steadfast in controlling the rate of infection the best we could.  Unfortunately, we have seen a spike in cases recently in BC due to people lowering their guard or getting pandemic fatigue.

We must stay vigilant in our day to day lives, not only for ourselves but for the sake of our loved ones, and for our ILWU family.  We have yet to see any confirmed cases that we know of in our Locals and Affiliates and we want to keep it that way.

Over the next few months until there is a vaccine, we all need to do our part.  That includes washing hands, the use of hand sanitizer and staying at least six feet away from people as best you can.  The use of face coverings and face screens can prevent the spread of the virus in day to day life as well.  We should be cognizant of the fact that many people are scared about catching this virus and passing it onto others who are elderly or immune compromised.

Whether you believe in this virus or not we must all do our part in the prevention of its spread regardless!

For more information please go to the ILWU Canada website: for an in depth list of resources, services and current updates from the medical community and our governments.

Please be safe and kind to everyone your run into, we are all in this together.

In Strength and Solidarity,
Rob Ashton, President
