Notice of Motion – to amend the Local 500 Constitution: Article IV Membership & Duties, Section 2 (c)

to amend the LOCAL 500 CONSTITUTION: ARTICLE IV Membership & Duties, Section 2 (c)


(C) Applicants who are approved for Membership shall appear before the Membership of the Local.  If accepted they shall become probationary members for a period of not less than six months, unless they have achieved five years of industry pensionable years of service, in which case the probationary requirement shall be waived.

 To read: 

(C) Applicants who are approved for Memberships shall appear before the Membership of the Local.  If accepted they shall become probationary members for a period of not less than one (1) year, unless they have achieved ten (10) years of industry seniority years of service, in which case the probationary requirement shall be waived.

 First reading at the November 21, 2018 MEMBERSHIP MEETING

The second (2nd) and final reading of this Notice of Motion will take place at the January 14, 2019 Membership Meeting, at which time it will be debated and voted on if there is a quorum.  Two-thirds (2/3) of the Members present at the meeting must vote in the affirmative to pass this motion.

Click on the link below for details.

2nd and Final reading at the January 16, 2019 Membership Meeting – MOTION CARRIED TO AMEND THE CONSTITUTION.
