The Annual Joint Industry Training for 2023 is now open.
Applications can be picked up outside the Union Office on Victoria Drive – fill them out and return them to the Local. Applications must be returned by Thursday, December 22, 2022 at 3:00 PM.
A box is available outside the office to drop your applications into. It will be outside the Local 500 office doors on Victoria Drive during office hours (8 AM to 5 PM – Monday to Friday, except for the final day when the posting closes at 3PM). If bringing a completed form by after hours, you can drop it off through the mail slot in the front doors. PLEASE DO NOT FOLD THE SHEET.
Bulletin with training options and applications are available out front of the Local 500 office.
Please click below to view the training options that are open:
ADVANCE POLL: 8 am to 5 pm on Tuesday, November 15, 2022 only, at ILWU Local 500 Union Office.
To be eligible to vote in the Advance Poll a Member must meet one of the following criteria which must occur during the week of the Elections:
- Book at least four (4) days of Vacation Time that includes the week of the Elections.
- Be scheduled for treatment in a Health Care Facility on Election Days.
- Be out of town conducting Union Business.
Click here to read the:
2022 General Election Info & Travelling Ballot Box Schedule
Meetings dependent on COVID-19 Regulations. (July & August meetings are tentative)