Attached is a 2-page list showing the work numbers of the 60 most senior “A” Board Casuals who are to attend a Union Orientation Meeting on:
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Maritime Labour Centre Auditorium
1880 Triumph Street, Vancouver, BC
All Casuals are required to attend an Orientation meeting prior to becoming “Union”.
For privacy reasons, names have been left off the list.
ILWU Local 500 Education Committee
PS… Make sure you check both pages of the bulletin.
BULLETIN – 18 03 07 Casual Orientation
There are a number of apprenticeship positions available in the following trades:
– Heavy Duty Equipment Technician
– Millwright
– Electrician
These positions are only open to registered Local 500 Members and Casuals.
To read the full bulletin and particulars:
2018 Trade Apprenticeship Vacancies closing Friday, June 1, 2018 @ 5:00 pm
Applications are available at the Local 500 office or you may also print from the link below.