ADVANCE POLL: 8 am to 5 pm on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 only, at ILWU, Local 500 Union Office.
To be eligible to vote in the Advance Poll a Member must meet one of the following criteria which must occur during the week of the Elections (held the second Thursday and Friday after the Annual General Meeting):
- Book at least four (4) days of Vacation Time that includes the week of the Elections.
- Be scheduled for treatment in a Health Care Facility on Election Days.
- Be out of town conducting Union Business.
To read the entire Nomination & Balloting Notice, click here
Click to view Rail Category Meeting
Maritime Labour Centre Conference Room (downstairs)
- Safety issues
- Despatch buttons
- Order of despatch
- Phosrock
- RWF compressor car
Click to view Wheat Category Meeting
Maritime Labour Centre Auditorium
- Grain arbitration update
- Viterra new Ship Loader
- Safety Committee updates
- Various safety violations
- Kinder Morgan feeder-hole meeting
Local 500 will be holding its Annual Elections on:
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Friday, November 25, 2016
from 6 am to 6 pm each day
Please click on the bulletin below for details about the positions, the advance poll, the travelling ballot box, etc.
2016 Nomination & Balloting Notice
Local 500 will be holding its Annual Elections on:
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Friday, November 25, 2016
from 6 am to 6 pm each day
Please click on the bulletin below for details about the positions, the advance poll, the travelling ballot box, etc.
Click below to view the:
2016 Local 500 Children’s Christmas Party Notice
2016 Local 500 Children’s Christmas Party Registration Form
All registrations should be deposited into the metal bin in the Local 500 coffee room by the deadline.
ITS Members & Casuals Category Meeting
Samplers, Lab, Marine Surveyors, Grain Inspectors
Thursday, February 2, 2017 @ 6:00 pm
Maritime Labour Centre
111 Victoria Drive, Vancouver
Boardroom #2
- LOU petroleum
- Prep surplus button
- Shop Steward election
- Cycles
- Sub Plan
- Grain issues