Meetings dependent on COVID-19 Regulations. July, August, and December meetings are tentative.
Nominations open on Monday, October 18, 2021, 8 AM, and close on November 5, 2021 at 5 PM.
Click on the following link to view what positions are open in this year’s Local 500 election:
If you wish to run for any position(s), please phone into the Local 500 office and advise the staff.
If you are putting your name forward, you may not have an application in at Local 514, the Foreman’s Local.
Meetings dependent on COVID-19 Regulations. July, August, and December meetings are tentative.
Meetings dependent on COVID-19 Regulations. July, August, and December meetings are tentative.
Meetings dependent on COVID-19 Regulations. July, August, and December meetings are tentative.
Meetings dependent on COVID-19 Regulations. (July & August meetings are tentative)
In Canada National Day of Mourning takes place on April 28, 2020. The National Day of Mourning is observed annually in Canada and sometimes called Workers Mourning Day. It commemorates workers who have been killed, injured or suffered illness due to workplace related hazards and incidents.