Balloting Notice: RUNOFF FOR PRESIDENT OF ILWU CANADA – Thursday & Friday, June 27 & 28, 2024

The ILWU Canada balloting that took place on May 17, 2024, did not result in a clear winner for the position of President.

As such, a runoff vote is required and will be held on Thursday, June 27th and Friday, June 28th from 6AM-6PM in the auditorium of the Maritime Labour Centre and at the Despatch Hall.  A travelling ballot box is scheduled for both days.

The two candidates in the running are:

ROB ASHTON (Local 500)
PAT BOLEN (Local 502)

Please read the following bulletin for complete details, including the Advance Poll date and criteria.

2024 06 ILWU Canada Runoff for President – Notice

Neal Advincula
Elections Officer