GCT Vanterm – Possible Exposure to COVID-19

August 31, 2020

VANCOUVER COASTAL HEALTH – Communicable Disease Control
Possible COVID-19 EXPOSURE  – August 15 to 23, 2020

Notice to advise workers at GCT/Vanterm may have been exposed on the above dates.

This exposure does not mean you are sick with COVID-19.  If you do not have any symptoms right now, you should self-monitor for new-onset of gastrointestinal or respiratory illness for 14 day from your last day of work within the period of Aug 15-23.  If you do not have any symptoms, testing is not recommended.

If you believe you have, or have developed, symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (see attached), PLEASE SELF ISOLATE FOR 10 DAYS  FROM ONSET OF SYMPTOMS and call – 604.875.5912 to arrange for testing.  If you seek testing without contacting Vancouver Coastal Health, bring a copy of attached PDF.

Seek medical attention if you are seriously ill or symptoms worsen.

This notice is intended only for those employed at GCT Vanterm during the affected period.
