Despatch Coordinator’s Duties

As per Article XI, Section 1. Interpretation: of the Local 500 Constitution President Keserich has interpreted the duties of the Union Despatch Coordinators, which is in Article V Officers & Committee Members, A. General Duties, Section 8. Despatchers.

Currently it reads:

“Despatchers, where required, shall conduct the business of their Despatch Offices in accordance with principles inherent in this Constitution.”

President Keserich has interpreted the Constitution to add to what is already there to include that:

“When the Business Agents are not present in the Despatch Hall, the Despatch Coordinators shall assume the Business Agents’ duty to represent the Local in all disputes in the Despatch Hall and that their decisions must be consistent with the Constitution, Bylaws, Agreements and Work Rules and their activities must be coordinated so as to assure uniform application of all regulations. They shall be required to keep a record of their activities.”

Local 500 Officers
